We are still accepting donations for the PTA Trunk or Treat. The class with the most bags donated will win a free ($10 value) book from the upcoming scholastic book fair, as well as $100 for the teacher to put towards their classroom!
2 months ago, Elementary Office
There is still time to turn in your BOO GRAMS!!!
2 months ago, Elementary Office
Parents, just a reminder please use the Pick Up & Drop off Loop when dropping children off or picking them up. Thank you for keeping our students safe.
2 months ago, Elementary Office
Pickford PTA will be hosting a Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 26th at Pickford Park from 2p-4p! Come join the fun!!
2 months ago, Elementary Office
Family Fun Movie Night!!
2 months ago, Elementary Office
Freshman Manufacturing Day October 24th at LSSU  10:30am – End of the Day
2 months ago, HS/MS News
The Flu Shot Clinic is postponed for today 10/18/24, will update when it is rescheduled.
2 months ago, Elementary Office
Reminder the Chippewa County Health Department will be here tomorrow 10/18/24 @ 9am for the Flu Shot Clinic. If you need a permission slip please stop into the office.
2 months ago, Elementary Office
MS Monster Mash Nov. 1st 6:30-9:00 pm $5 Scare you There!
2 months ago, HS/MS News
Reminder tomorrow 10/16, Mrs. Brood's 5th grade bake sale will be taking place during lunch hours. All items will be $1.00.
2 months ago, Elementary Office
PICTURE DAY IS TOMORROW Tuesday, Oct 15th You can preorder your pictures online at https://lifetouch.com/order-pictures/ or click on the QR Code. Get more photo choices and free shipping if you order before midnight tomorrow. HS/MS Students, use code EVTS8X64K ELEM Students, use code EVTNW7N78
2 months ago, HS/MS News
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL MONDAY for students. Enjoy your weekend.
3 months ago, HS/MS News
Mrs. Brood's 5th Grade class is having a bake sale on Wednesday October 16th during all lunch times. All items will be $1.00.
3 months ago, Elementary Office
Picture day is fast approaching. You can preorder your pictures online at https://lifetouch.com/order-pictures/ or click on the QR Code posted on Facebook. Picture day is OCT 15th HS/MS Students, use code EVTS8X64K ELEM Students, use code EVTNW7N78
3 months ago, HS/MS News
ATTENTION ELEMENTARY FAMILIES! The PTA is hosting BOO Grams with a Halloween surprise! Forms will be sent home this week.
3 months ago, Sarah Le Bel
Boo grams
https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQGVV9D90/mT9S0hdtQOhIhQ2Jh8ZVyQ/watch Reminder the Club's Choice Fundraiser is due on MONDAY OCTOBER 7th. Orders AND money need to brought to the office.
3 months ago, Elementary Office
The H.U.B. Youth Group will start on Wednesday October 9th. 1st-6th Grade will meet immediately after school until 5p.m. 7th-12th Grade will meets from 5:30p.m.-7:00p.m. If you haven't signed up and would like to there is permission slips in the office.
3 months ago, Elementary Office
Reminder there is still time to sign up for the after school homework help at the the Pickford Global Methodist Church. Permission slip forms are available in the office. Open to all K-12 graders. Begins October 8th from 3:30-4:30p.m.
3 months ago, Sarah Le Bel
Picture Day is Tuesday, Oct 15th
3 months ago, HS/MS News
There will be a bake sale on October 2nd during all lunch hours. All items will be $1.00 each, proceeds will go to Mrs. Nelson's 5th Grade Class.
3 months ago, Sarah Le Bel