Why choose us?
New Facilities
Our students will have secure, updated, and modern facilities in which to learn, perform, and compete. In the 2022-2023 school year we are excited to offer 6 new classrooms to the middle and high school, 2 new elementary classrooms, renovation of the middle school locker rooms, modernization of our science labs, and addition of parking areas, a new multipurpose room and stage area, industrial technology classroom, and kitchen/food service program area.
Pickford Schools is a 1:1 device to student school putting us ahead of the curve with online and digital learning.
We offer a variety of programs for our students! We have an in house CTE Cybersecurity program along with support for local district CTE programs, participation in our Early Middle College program & Dual Enrollment for college coursework completion opportunities, new Science labs to support our science program, a new STEM program for our K-8 students, and FCCLA, just to name a few!
MDE Recognition
Pickford Schools is recognized by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) as a Social Emotional Learning Bright Spot! After an extensive data collection and analysis process, our district was chosen as an example to share with other districts interested in improving their own efforts in the area(s) of graduation rates, low suspension rates, our use of PLCs and book study, community connections and our focus on the whole child.
90% Graduation Rate
100% of our students go on to successful post secondary placements
Pickford Public Schools is conveniently located in the the central Easter Upper Peninsula
Pickford Athletics
We are so proud of our athletes! In 2022, our girls Softball team were district champs and were a state qualifier with their first Final Four appearance! Our Boys track team were UP State Champs! Our Boys basketball team were District champs and our girls were District, Region and State Quarter Finalists

Mr. Miller

Mrs. Tibbitts

Ms. Le Bel

Mrs. Brace