Fall Athletic Parent Meeting will be Monday, August 1st for 7th through 12th graders. Volleyball will be at 6:00 pm with Football to follow at 6:30. Cross country parent meeting will be announced at a different time. Reminder, sports physicals need to be completed prior to August 8th.
A request for a district operating millage renewal will be on the August 2, 2022 ballot. This millage does NOT apply to primary residences and other exempt property; it is only levied against properties considered “non-primary residence”, which are essentially businesses, industrial property, and second homes located in our school district. Operating millage revenue funds district "operations" including staff and programs for our students.
Should it pass, this millage will generate $686,535 for our district in 2023, which is approximately 12% of our district's 2022-2023 budget. We are required to levy the operating millage in order to receive our per pupil foundation allowance from the state.
If you have questions or need to hear more about this very important millage, please contact the district office. Be an informed voter on August 2nd!
Angela Nettleton
Superintendent/K12 Principal
Pickford Public Schools
(906) 647-6285 ext 2204
The 6th Grade designed feats of engineering during a STEM activity with a can of Pringles.
UP Track Finals Info from the MHSAA:
Good Afternoon UP Athletic Directors…
In an effort to get you, your parents and your coaching staff the most updated information about the MHSAA Track and Field Finals to be held at Kingsford HS on Saturday, June 4th please find links to information that you can pass on to all. This information is also found on MHSAA.com on the Track and Field Finals page as links……
UP Finals Meet information sheet/time schedule - https://www.mhsaa.com/.../BTR/2022finals/22upfinalsinfo.pdf
UP Finals Seed sheets - https://www.mhsaa.com/.../Docum.../BTR/2022Finals/upseed.pdf
UP Track Finals GoFan Digital Tickets link - https://gofan.co/app/events/610921?schoolId=MHSAA
Best of luck to your student-athletes as they compete this week!
MHSAA-Assistant Director
**No cash sales for tickets at the gate. All tickets must be purchased from the following link…
Congratulations to Mr. Nettleton for receiving a $5000 Grant from the CCCF Youth Advisory Council (YAC). The funds will to go toward a new Drafting & Design Program.