As an additional consideration, an increase in your property taxes could potentially be offset by the Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit.
Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit – Households that pay homestead property taxes greater than 3.2% of their annual income may be eligible for Michigan’s Homestead Property Tax Credit. Eligible households may deduct up to 60% (up to 100% for senior citizens, please see the senior credit table) of the millage increase cost up to a $1,500 Homestead Tax Credit limit. The eligibility for the credit begins to decrease after household income exceeds $51,001 and ends completely after the household income exceeds $60,001.
Work continues at our building to prepare for some larger aspects of the project. Some temporary walls have been built, materials are being delivered daily, and contractors have been onsite doing preliminary work and preparation of our building systems. We are working to streamline the utility (electrical, phone, and internet) relocation process with the various providers. Industrial arts students have vacated the shop and are now engaged in a drafting & design unit to end the year. We appreciate the staff who are willing to share their classrooms. Breakfast and lunch have been successfully relocated from the kitchen and multi. We appreciate the Township for their willingness to provide our food service program a home for the next several months. We are building a great future at Pickford Public Schools!