Est. 2016 under the Michigan and National PTA.
We help create a strong support team for our school community by...
Proudly Support:
Trunk or Treat
Reading Month
Family Activity Nights
Education Incentives
Led the Hay Days Kiddie Parade
Existing Programs
New Endeavors
Proudly Serve with:
Teacher Appreciation Meals & Gifts
Christmas Crafts
Secured grants to fund
healthy snack breaks
school garden activities
Back to School Open House Resource Fair
Fundraise with:
Coordinated Box Tops Fundraiser
PTA Online Apparel Fundraiser
Promoted easy fundraising thru Shoparoo
In School candy grams, Flower grams, Class donation competitions, etc.
Having you considered joining your Pickford PTA? Multiple studies have shown that students achieve more when families are engaged in the learning process. Whether you volunteer at your child’s school, communicate regularly with your child’s teacher, encourage and support your child’s learning at home, or advocate for school improvement at the district or state level, your efforts are likely to positively impact your child.
Michigan PTA advocates for family engagement by providing support, education and resources on effective ways parents can become involved. National PTA states that “your child has the right to attend and succeed in a great public school.” All children are entitled to an education that will help them reach their full academic, professional and personal potential. Michigan PTA recognizes that as parents and guardians, you are the best advocate to ensure this will happen. Send us a message and ask how you can join PTA today!
Join us in saying Thank you for saying “yes” to serving on this Board!