Standardized Tests

9th & 10th Graders

The PSAT test is a very important test that is used to measure college readiness, career readiness, data for instruction, and can be used by students to create individualized study guides through Khan Academy. The test is taken in the fall.

Tips to prepare

  • Ensure that your child is well rested.

  • Start with good breakfast that morning

  • Be on time for school as the test starts promptly at 8:15 am and cannot be rescheduled

  • cell phones will be kept at teacher's desk or in class phone pockets during the test.

Students will return to their normal class schedule in the afternoon.

11th Graders

The SAT is used to measure college readiness, career readiness, used in the admission process to colleges and universities, and scholarship opportunities. The very important test is manditory for all 11th graders. SAT test is given in April.

SAT Calculator Policy: approved calculator with fresh batteries is a good thing to bring. Students cannot share calculators. Here is the link for SAT approved calculators. Click on for more information.

Tips to prepare

  • Ensure that your child is well rested.

  • Start with good breakfast that morning

  • Be on time for school as the test starts promptly at 8:15 am and cannot be rescheduled

  • cell phones will be kept at teacher's desk or in class phone pockets during the test.

Once the test is complete, Juniors may be excused with parent permission for the remainder of the day. Please be sure to notify the office if your student is excused.

The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test, which is given at more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Defense Department (DoD)

The assessments measure foundational skills required for success in the workplace, and help measure skills.

Students will return to their normal class schedule in the afternoon.

The M-Step Test is a computer-based assessment designed to gauge how well students are mastering state standards. These standards, developed for educators by educators, broadly outline what students should know and be able to do in order to be prepared to enter the workplace, career education training, and college. When combined with classroom work, report cards, local district assessments and other tools, M-STEP results offer a comprehensive view of student progress and achievement. For additional information, click State Assessment in Michigan:  What it is, What it means - And What it Offers

Testing through the State of Michigan may be subject to change as the Michigan Merit Curriculum is reviewed.