Child Find Procedures

child find


Federal law requires districts to conduct “child find” activities in order to “identify, locate, and evaluate” all children with disabilities. The Child Find process is initiated with a request for a Student Assistance Team (SAT) meeting.

sat team

The SAT will share information and develop strategies and interventions to address an academic, behavioral, emotional, or medical concern in the general education setting. Please refer to the SAT Brochure for further information regarding this process.

For many children, this will be enough support to allow them to experience success. For some children, a special education referral is determined to be necessary. A referral for a special education evaluation most often comes from a teacher. However, parents, social workers, medical professionals, representatives of an agency, or anyone who is concerned, may also refer a child suspected of having a disability.

Children will receive special education supports when they have been evaluated and determined to have a disability that interferes with learning and meets the criteria established by state and federal guidelines.

child find

Please visit the Child Find fact sheet for more information.

District Child Find and Initial Referral Procedures are available by contacting the school.