comp lab



Come in to the lab quietly and go to your assigned computer.

  • Do not touch other keyboards or mice on the way to your computer.

  • Read board & begin assignment if one exists or wait for instructions before you do anything.



Only visit approved Internet sites and only when you have permission to do so.

  • Do not download anything unless told to do so.

  • NEVER give out personal information.

  • Do not share your passwords with anyone other than your parents or teacher, if school related.

  • If you see anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, turn off your monitor and let your teacher know immediately. Do not show it to your friends first.


Make sure you leave your workspace as you found it!

  • Exit out of all programs. 

  • Take care of your headphones.

  • Straighten your keyboard & mouse.

  • Push in your chair.

  • Collect and throw away any trash on your way out.

  • Take your belongings and anything you have printed with you when you leave.


Print only if you have permission!

  • Only press the Print option once!

Use only your assigned computer.

  • Do not move the icons on the desktop.

  • Do not change any system settings without permission.

  • Do not edit files that do not belong to you.

  • Help others with your mouth and not their mouse.



Treat your classmates, your teacher & all equipment with respect.

  • Help your neighbors if they need help - with your mouth and not their mouse!

  • Do not talk when your teacher is talking.

  • Come to the computer lab with clean hands.

  • No banging your mouse or banging the keys on your keyboard.

  • No hands on the monitors.

  • All four feet of your chair should be on the floor at all times.


Eat and drink OUTSIDE of the lab only.

  • No food or drink allowed in the lab


Read the screen BEFORE asking questions.

lights off

Lights out means Your Attention Please.

  • Remove your headphones.

  • Take your hands off the keyboard and mouse.

  • Wait for instructions.


 Ask your immediate neighbors for help before you raise your hand to ask your teacher.

  • Do not get out of your seat to ask for help.

  • Do not get out of your seat to help someone else.

  • If you help someone else do it with your mouth and not their mouse


 Be prepared to learn something new every day in Computer Lab.